Yoga Therapy
Yoga as therapy is using breath, movement and being to open energetic gateways for optimal health within all layers of being.
As a yoga therapist Jennifer follows the teachings of Krishnamachariya and therefore always on long, smooth breathing, synchronistic graceful movement and typically fewer complex asanas. She focuses on nutrition, holistic care, rest, digestion and daily reflection.
Jennifer invites you to come to practice as you are and with you will develop unique daily rituals, a joyful breathing with light, purposeful movement that creates a desire and willingness to play with the middles place between grounded ness and lift, strength and flexibility, inner awareness and outward expression.
Jennifer and Ray are both also teachers of sequencing taught by Matthew Sweeney. They offer therapeutic forms of both lead sequences and self practice in the following forms.
The Moon Sequence.
This is a gentle flowing Vinyasa form of breath, movement and being and is accessible for all. It is a wonderful support for women during the menstruation and pregnancy , and women and men at any time contemplative and quieter practice.
The emphasis is on the hips, groin, lower spine and abdomen. It takes pressure off the neck, shoulders and wrists and is useful as a regular alternative to the intensity of traditional Ashtanga Yoga. For anyone whether old or young, this sequence is great for any age and recovery from illness and injury.
Shoulder Moon is an advanced variation that helps develop space and gentle movement of shoulders in harmony with breath and movement.
Lion Cub
This is a more playful therapeutic sequence that is safe for beginners and offers remedial care for more experienced yoga practitioners. It encourages muscle memory, body awareness and improves proprioceptive movement. Like the moon sequence it is good for back conditions as it avoids deep forward bends and deep back bends whilst improving core stability. It is a formative practice for students who want to learn about the benefits of inversions and back bends in a safe supported way.
There are two versions of Lion Cub; using the wall with props, free standing and dynamic with no props.